Friday, November 1, 2013

Stillness: A Three-week Practice

Last month you were encouraged to get outside (without phone or camera) to walk, and skip, and jump through the leaves; to move your body and relish in the crispness and newness of Autumn. Now it is November, the month of "in-between"; it is the month that may one day feel like Summer and the next as if Winter has been here forever. It is a time of completing your harvest and gathering the fruit of the seeds that were sown in the Spring (new intentions, plans for growth), and it is time, once again, to prepare to move forward and inward with new tools and positive energy.

In preparation for moving inward for the Winter, November is a good time to sit in stillness and notice what is happening around you. In stillness, you have an opportunity to examine and acknowledge what you have gained through the year's work, while considering anything that feels incomplete or unfinished. Notice what comes up and how you feel; then move forward and inward to the deep work of the next part of your journey.

How to begin?
Try this three week experiment:

Week one: Each morning, sit outside in a leafy space or inside where you can see nature/leaves, and gaze gently for at least 5 minutes. Do this around the same time each day. Try to keep your body still, your eyes open, and be aware of what you notice and what you think about. Don't try to keep your mind/eyes from wandering, just notice where they go.

Week two: Repeat Week one, but in the evening. Remember: don't try to keep your mind/eyes from wandering, just notice.

Week three: Each day choose either morning or evening for the practice; see what happens, notice your feelings.

There are no incorrect responses to this practice : )
Happy November!
Namaste ♥

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