Friday, March 16, 2012

You will find peace deep within you and it will rise to the surface.

There is blessedness in all things. But the past two days were filled with experiences of grace that require a new definition of blessedness. Eternal Health Yoga, our sacred space of love and spirit, was the setting for a remarkable event; Wah! was here. She presented us with her gifts of healing and devotion through sacred sound and yoga; and we will be ever changed by her teaching. Thank you, Wah!, for your guidance through this part of our journey. Those of us, who were present for the Sound Workshop on Wednesday, experienced one of those rare and precious moments of joy and connection; a room of spiritual beings, singing to and with one another; holding one another, loving one another. So wonderful; we are truly blessed.
When you are in need of assurance, of healing, of a sense of wholeness – watch this short video, wrap your arms around one another, and sing from your heart. You will find peace deep within you and it will rise to the surface. Smooth out your edges and open to the love that is you. Namaste

Monday, March 12, 2012

If you are looking for a place in which you can be yourself, where people are laid-back, and fun, and nice ...

A few years ago, Donna, a yoga student said to me, “Shelli, we should have a Book Club; there are a lot of us who like to read and it would be fun to have it here.” My answer, “I agree!” We scheduled a meeting. A group of students, I think there were 8 or 9, showed up and we discussed the format, how often we would meet, what kinds of books we would discuss, how we would decide on the books, etc.  Four and a half years later here we are, having read a huge variety of books, enjoyed one another’s company, and shared delicious food and beverage. Our Book Club had become an integral part of the Eternal Health Yoga community.

What is Eternal Health Yoga? Y
ou know that wonderful, homey, comfy, feeling you get when you enter certain special spaces? That’s what we have here - we all get that sweet, “ah …” feeling, as soon we walk through the doors of either studio – we are a community of like-minded, but very unique individuals, who are open to the ideas of others. We care about each other; we are interested in one another’s thoughts and opinions. It feels good to be part of something that is so nurturing and healing. This is a place where there is openness to growth and change; while at the same time, there is a consistency that offers a sense of safety and serenity. It feels good to be part of something through which people can share their ideas, make requests, be heard, respected, and loved. 
Dear reader, If you are looking for a place in which you can be yourself, where people are laid-back, and fun, and nice, please join us at Eternal Health Yoga for yoga classes, potlucks, movie nights, book club, art openings, parties, and anything else we can come up with that helps us feel validated, connected, and joyful. I love Eternal Health Yoga; I love the people here, I love the energy, the smell, the feel. We are incredibly blessed to have created this special place of serenity – thank you, thank you, thank you, all of you ; and welcome always! Namaste ♥ 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Building Community

Yesterday afternoon   - so much fun bowling with the awesome teachers of Eternal Health Yoga! I am so grateful and filled with joy that I have these beautiful, smart, funny, incredible women in my life! We brought yummy food, bowled a few games, laughed at and with the kids, and shared time with one another and our families as the love-filled community that we are. It is a challenge to find those wonderful people who uplift you and always bring a smile to your face!  I have nine: D’Arci, Marie, Liz, Jodie, Carrie, Amy, Jen, Tiffany, and Anna! Nine women, who work together, hang out together, enjoy one another’s company, and respect one another as equals. I am so fortunate; I am aware of how fortunate I am. Thank you, amazing EHY women! You make my heart sing!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

What are you waiting for? Step into the next part of your journey!

Every time I watch this video I remember the tranquility, expansiveness and density of the rainforest, the kindness of everyone at Luna Lodge, and the community of participants that made up an awesome retreat. I remember how exotic and tropical and beckoning I found this beautiful place and the wonder that each of us felt as we landed in the Osa Peninsula! I remember the fear that many had prior to making the decision to go on retreat, the hesitancy that nearly kept some from buying that plane ticket. But they did it, we all did it together, and it was a life-changing experience! If you have ever considered a retreat and want to know what it feels like to overcome your fear, to get out of your normal everyday life, to be with like-minded individuals, and to immerse yourself in the wonder of nature - this is the time and the place. You deserve this experience – take it!
We often feel fear, resistance, and hesitancy when making a decision to do something for ourselves, especially something that is so out of the ordinary.  But it is through overcoming challenges that growth, learning, and ansformation happen. There are many reasons and excuses for not doing things for ourselves, not doing the things that will bring about change; mostly it is fear, under many different labels ( I don’t have time, money, anyone to go with me … ) that keeps us from stepping outside of our comfort zone and into a place of learning and growth. We feel that we don’t deserve it, we think that someone else should be out there on adventure, traveling to exotic places, deepening their self-awareness, and building their self-confidence; someone else should be taking the break that they worked so hard for! But when you are able to find it in yourself to say, “I am doing this and I deserve it!” you will find that the fear begins to diminish, and a whole new you begins to emerge. Give yourself permission to take a step into the unknown; amazing things will happen!

I am so excited to be going on retreat; I am so looking forward to sharing this experience with others. I know how it feels to be afraid to do something so different from the norm. But the joy that comes from doing it anyway is indescribable! The growth and exhilaration from knowing that you did something really special for yourself is truly a gift. So, if you feel that something is calling you to take this step, that it is time to do something really wonderful for you – listen! That voice you are hearing is you. And when you take the cue and experience that wonderful feeling of, “Wow! I did this, I really did this!” you will be forever changed. Do this for you. Reconnect with your aliveness, with your vibrancy, with that smile that comes for no apparent reason – it is amazing what retreat can do for us as human beings, as spiritual beings, as friends, lovers, parents, siblings, etc. The process is rigorous, and a whole lot of fun! And the results from the work, the relaxation, the time you take for YOU, linger for quite some time. What are you waiting for? Step into the next part of your journey; we will do it together and it will be awesome! Namaste